Plus Minus Interesting

The Plus Minus Interesting (PMI) template is one of the simplest retrospective formats available. It simply asks your team to evaluate and sort their thoughts into positive, negative and interesting points.

Best used for

Retrospect on ideas with focus on strengths and weaknesses. Creating spaces for open dialogue in teams.

Time to introduce this activity in lecture / Time to run this activity

5 min / 30 min

In the context of Digital Social Impact courses and learning activities

Retrospectives give room to think through several improvement ideas and pick one that all team members are committed too. Sometimes the increased understanding between team members – knowing what makes the others ‘tick’ – is already a great leap forward and builds trust.

Main Target Group

Student groups

Potential tools for digitising this activity

Could be down via an online call/breakout rooms and online tools like Mural, Padlet or Conceptboard

Step by Step

1 PMI can be a useful tool for beginning the retrospective or unsticking the group when discussion has gotten bogged down.  (Example: “Let’s do a quick PMI on this.”) It is best done ina group setting so step 1 is to gather the student group.

2 The activity is short – it was designed to last only three minutes. 

Students answer via post its “What are the positive things about this idea?” (1 minute timers is set)

3 Next, students answer via post its “What are the positive things about this idea?” (1 minute timers is set)

4 Lastly, students answer via post its “What was interesting about this idea?”

The answers are then reviewed, openly discussed and group consensus found.