digital social impact

A forward-thinking European initiative with a team of partners who are passionate about the power and potential of technology and digital teaching to increase societal impact.

Our ambition is to create a step change and future proof how European universities engage with and deliver on their third mission.

The Social Impact Revolution is Here – why now is the time for the Digital Social Impact project!

Why Digital Social Impact?

The Digital Social Impact project is inspired by the potential of technology and digital pedagogies to create social impact.

Despite the argued relevance for more social engagement, societal engagement mechanisms have not been well developed in European HEIs. Universities still have relatively more technology transfer offices than civic engagement offices.

Consequently, universities’ business engagement remains a top priority compared to community building or collaborations with NGOs. This ultimately hampers the social impact of HEIs’ activities.

Our Aim

Research and develop high-quality digital teaching resources for HEI educators which will lead increased societal impact of HEI’s as Europe and beyond.

Want to get involved?

We need you to be part of our growing movement of universities embarking on digital teaching innovations to support social engagement and educate students for social impact?

There are four phases of work where you can get involved.

Take our survey and be part of our Digital Social Impact Best Practice Audit

Submit a best practice for our Digital Social Impact Course Toolkit

Pilot test our Digital Social Impact Course Configurator

Book your place on our Capacity Building/Scaling Workshops

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