Münster University of Applied Sciences
Project Coordinator
Münster University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1971 out of eight public and private schools and has developed to a modern, achievement-oriented university. The university has approximately 15.000 students, 400 staff and is one of the biggest institutions of its kind in Germany. MUAS is part of the Germany-wide initiative “Innovative University” (Innovative Hochschule) that focuses on the “third mission” alongside teaching and research: transfer. Every day at MUAS, new ideas and new knowledge are generated in the higher education landscape. MUAS believes that only through direct and reciprocal exchange with actors from business, culture and society can innovations emerge that ensure prosperity and quality of life

J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek
Project Partner
The J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek is a regional knowledge centre, research and excellence consisting of 12 faculties, 4 university departments and academy for art and culture. The Faculty of Economics dates back to 1961 and is especially recognized for its contribution in the field of entrepreneurship, for which it has been awarded with UNESCO Chair for Entrepreneurship.

University of Ljubljana
Project Partner
Established in 1919, University of Ljubljana (UL) is the oldest and the largest higher education institution in Slovenia. It encompasses 23 faculties, 3 art academies and 3 associated members. The entity participating in this project proposal is the Faculty of arts (FF), Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology. It is a research-intensive faculty in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, that brings together 450 researchers that are participating in national and international (H2020, INTERREG, ERASMUS+ etc.) projects.

Project Partner
With over 20 years experience in EU projects and 13 staff employed in the EU project division, Momentum’s specific EU project competencies relate to the design and delivery of capacity building programmes and quality digital education in the tertiary education sector. Much of this work involves the creation of train the trainer resources which seek to develop teacher and wider education sector competence levels on a certain topic or skillset.

Project Partner
Institute For Innovation And Development Of University Of Ljubljana (IRI UL) is a non-profit research institute with a mission to foster a long run and reciprocal cooperation between the higher education environment and Slovenian industry & society. It was established by the University of Ljubljana together with several technologically advanced Slovenian companies as the intermediary organization, operating as a service for knowledge and technology transfer of the Slovenia’s most prominent University.